Monday, May 11, 2020

The Latest Tomfoolery From FFRF

Here we go again. It's that wonderful group, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, those staunch "defenders" of the Constitution, creating an attack ad against the churches during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Blasphemy... an Atheist hobby

The article is as follows:

Feeling helpless or angry? Here’s how to fight back.

Many of you have contacted FFRF, angry and worried that governors or other officials across the country are exempting churches and religious worship from the “safer at home” orders necessary to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Why only churches? There are more health risks at your local Walmart or CostCo store. 

If you’re stuck at home, perhaps feeling a little helpless, isolated and angry that these churches are risking your life and the lives of your loved ones, we want to help you fight back.

If you're an atheist, you don't attend church. You avoid Christians as much as possible. So how is a church endagering your life?

In response to the overwhelming and heartening volume of requests for advice on how best to hold our elected officials accountable during this turbulent time, FFRF has created a set of resources for your use. FFRF’s website now has a page specifically dedicated to secular activism in the time of coronavirus. You can access it here:

So now the Atheists have something to do with their time while they sit at home. They can write more angry letters which will accomplish next to nothing, since MOST churches are following the stay at home orders!

FFRF has already sent a letter to every governor explaining why church exemptions are unconstitutional and lethal. We’ve also asked each FFRF member to call and email your own governor. That action alert has basic talking points. We’ve sent other letters of complaint, too. We’ve written op-eds. We will continue to challenge these inappropriate religious exemptions. And we know you want to fight them, too.

Actually, restricting one's right to worship is what is unconstitutional. The main reason organizations like FFRF get away with it is because they can judge shop for judicial activists who are willing to bend the Constitution to suit a liberal world view.

Please continue to report ( any state/church violations happening in your community. While the Religious Right continues to exploit this global public health crisis as an opportunity to peddle their beliefs, we in the secular community must use all the resources at our disposal to ensure that reason-based solutions drive our public policy responses and solutions to this pandemic.

Nobody is exploiting anything. Nonetheless, the FFRF is behaving like an atheist Gestapo, reporting anybody that offends their sensitive feelings. No atheists are dying because a handful of people at tiny neighborhood church decided to congregate. Nonetheless, FFRF is giving marching orders to the unhappy few to restrict the freedom of the majority.

Thank you for your activism. We hope you are staying home and staying safe.

While the FFRF members hide at home, I'd like to mention that local churches are actively helping in whatever way they can during the pandemic. Churches are helping the needy get food, delivering medicine, providing home teaching aids and materials, and allowing their facilities to be used as temporary COVID testing centers. I have no knowledge of anybody at FFRF or American Atheists doing the same. In fact it's time, especially now, for atheists to put up or shut up, especially when they go the trouble of accenting their gripe with a demeaning picture of Jesus.

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