From a Post by AA President Bill Flavell (Flavell's comments are italicized):
I bet every atheist has heard Christians claiming that they used to be an atheist. When I hear that, I always ask them why they were an atheist and invariably discover that they were not really atheists at all—they were lazy Christians. Instead of praying/going to church they preferred drinking/sex/drugs/gambling or other self-indulgent pursuits.
So are we to assume no Christians began life as atheists? Ever?
Then I ask why they changed their minds and they always give me an emotional reason—they had an experience of some kind and discovered Jesus. What I never hear is “I found the ontological/cosmological/teleological argument…” [or whatever].
The Bible focuses on historical testimony, not teleological arguments. Christian belief is an act of faith. Not every Christian has a Philosophy degree and can quote Thomas Aquinas or Saint Augustine.
Well, in my opinion, if you were an atheist for no logical reason, you were a bad atheist and if you are now a Christian for no logical reason, you are a bad Christian.
So Atheists that grew up in non religious households are now bad atheists? All because they did what their parents did?
If logic takes you to atheism, you will almost certainly remain an atheist because no matter how much your life changes, logic will stubbornly stay the same. The beauty of logic is that it does not depend upon how you happen to feel today.
I guess this poor guy never heard of Anthony Flew? After more than 50 years of study, Mr. Flew, the most outspoken Atheist of his time, was led to a belief in Deism by LOGIC.
The idea that logic always leads you to Atheism is simply a silly assumption that Atheists the world over have coddled themselves with for centuries. If you want to see what logic can do, watch the debates between Richard Dawkins and John Lennox. Dr. Lennox uses logic to tear down every premise by dawkins, and he does it in a calm and collected manner.
This is the reason Dawkins won't debate any more Theists. They're just too logical.
I guess this poor guy never heard of Anthony Flew? After more than 50 years of study, Mr. Flew, the most outspoken Atheist of his time, was led to a belief in Deism by LOGIC.
The idea that logic always leads you to Atheism is simply a silly assumption that Atheists the world over have coddled themselves with for centuries. If you want to see what logic can do, watch the debates between Richard Dawkins and John Lennox. Dr. Lennox uses logic to tear down every premise by dawkins, and he does it in a calm and collected manner.
This is the reason Dawkins won't debate any more Theists. They're just too logical.