Sunday, February 9, 2020

Atheists just refuse to "get it"

Posted in the Craigslist Religion Forum:

Reading the Bible vs Studying the Bible..... slots-and-guitars > 
Why aren't people allowed to simply read the Bible like any other book? It seems that is the purpose it was written for.

Who says people aren't allowed to read the Bible as literature? What stops one from doing so?

Well, here are two reasons :
1. Religious leaders want to control people by telling the followers what the Bible "Really" means. They claim to have special "Spiritual Knowledge" and special "Relationship with God (s)".

This guy is descibing a cult. I would never attend a church that doesn't encouarge me to study the Scriptures on my own, as the Bereans did, checking up on the preacher's theology. Only groups like the Jehovah's Witnesses demand that their interpretation is infallible and unquestionable.

2. I you simply read the Bible like any other book, you see that it is full of mythology, superstition, outdated science, fables, legends, lies, poetry, and overall is not well written, informative or entertaining.

This is just the kind of bigoted comment I've come to expect from Village Atheists, and yet they claim to be the open minded ones. Brights don't even read the Bible. They depend on other Atheists on the internet for their understanding of its contents. 

Read the Bible like you would Darwin's Origin of Species, And Bible based religions like Catholicism, Islam, JWs, Judaism would lose all their power and authority.

In comparing The Bible to Darwin is this guy suggesting that Origin of the Species is filled with lies, outdated science, and fables? That it's not even well written or informative?

The best advice I can give Village Atheists is to try thinking before they make fools of themselves online.

'Nuff said 

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