Friday, July 9, 2010

Another Popular Atheist Mantra

"Nothing, absolutely nothing, fails like prayer."

Prayer is an act of faith, guaranteeing a 100% failure rate for Atheists.


Anonymous said...

It's amusing how atheist criticize religions, yet they are immoral themselves.

One thing : Atheist believes Pride is a virtue. Yet when Theists accuse them as being prideful, they defend themselves.

Pride is vice. It makes us apart, destroyed, etc.
Just look in FB atheist page when we post 'Praise the LORD'. You'll get about 10 replies in 1 day.

Atheists are not happy, free-spirited, positive , or whatever they are claiming. They are insecure,self-righteous, lonely, and need-to-help person

Yoshua Reynaldo said...

Also atheists only wanted to respected, superior, and More intellectual. If i post this, they will even rebuke me, they are not very honest to themselves.

Again in the first argument, They rebuke Christian of their accuse of being prideful, when in their sentence, pride is good by psychologic, yeah, whatever, blah, blah, blah, yet in hostile tone accuse us of being more prideful, if pride is good, according to them, Why would they be hostile?
Even if Christians are hypocrite. They should not get insulted.

E.g : I'm fat, if i called fat, i'm not offended, that is a fact. If they responded, their arguments backfired.

If they think we're hypocrites.
Then you admit, Pride is wrong.
Because you indirectly says Pride is bad.

Anonymous said...

Im sure many people prayed on 9/11 that the buildings wouldn't fall. How can you say prayer works?

He also apparently hates amputees.

The Stoogemaniac said...

Puleeeze... another link to that lame Marshall brain blog?

Please logically explain how God choosing not to restore a cut off pinky-finger would constitute His non-existence?

God also warned of the consequences of being disobedient, which included disasters.

Try thinking up an original argument some time.

Anonymous said...

WOW you are ignorant, My friend did you even read what the man said? Did he say a cut on the finger, no dear sheep he said people praying for two building not to fall an did they fall you bet your life they did with so many lives in there and you tell me god lives and loves us....Please, even if he did what kind of god is that you are a fool for following him!

And before you go rant about how Atheist's hate your god, i don't hate him, no i hate ALL forms of "god" so don't go make yourself a marter now, but please come debate me any time with fact i will be more that happy....

We love science

The Stoogemaniac said...

Dear anonymous:

I'll come debate you when you improve your English skills. Your answer is as run-on as your thoughts.

Think about that next time you call someone else ignorant.

Anonymous said...

How dare you stereotype all atheists like that. An atheist is simply someone who doesn't believe in any supernatural power. Not all atheists critize religion, so why critize all atheists? Atheists are all different, and many are accepting people who just want to live in peace with people of all religions.

The Stoogemaniac said...

Anonymous:I'm just responding to what Atheists post on the internet. The Web is full of this stuff. As a matter of fact, I have run across very few Atheists on the internet who simply want to peacefully co-exist with believers.

If you don't believe me, just check out a site like The Atheist Oasis, and tell me how many Atheists simply wish to peacefully co-exist with believers.

Even better: check out the American Atheists website, and read the comments posted by their readers.

Then come back and lecture me about "stereotyping".

The Stoogemaniac said...

Anonymous:I'm just responding to what Atheists post on the internet. The Web is full of this stuff. As a matter of fact, I have run across very few Atheists on the internet who simply want to peacefully co-exist with believers.

If you don't believe me, just check out a site like The Atheist Oasis, and tell me how many Atheists simply wish to peacefully co-exist with believers.

Even better: check out the American Atheists website, and read the comments posted by their readers.

Then come back and lecture me about "stereotyping".