Sunday, February 16, 2020

More Biblical Struggling By A Village Atheist

Village Atheists are known for cherry picking, as the following example shows:

Bible says Moses was lying. Ever consider that? Arkangel_Michael > 
Moses claimed spirit of God wrote in stone tablets, spoke to him via a burning bush.
2 Corinthians 3:3 says spirit of God doesn't write ink or stone tablets.. only flesh tablets.

WRONG: The Atheist is making an assumption. Nowhere does the verse claim that God doesn't write on stone tablets. The verse is simply a comparison in support of the New Covenant in Christ.

1 John 4:12 says no man has ever heard or seen god at any time.

Misused and misinterpreted verse. The verse also doesn't mention hearing. Moses never beheld God's face. In fact, Moses covered his head when he went into the Holy of Holies, because no one can look at God's face and live.

Did Moses give you some bread?

John 6:32 says the bread that Moses gave you was NOT from heaven.

WRONG. The verse is being used out of context. Verse 32 is in reference verse 31, which refers to manna as a gift from the Father. 

Matthew 16:12 says doctrine is bread... Moses did give you some doctrine

Matthew 16:12 doesn't refer to manna.

Is you understood the Hebrew word "Satan" means "Adversary" or "Accuser" in English..

John 5:45 "there is one that accuses you to father, Moses"

Quoted out of context, especially since the Atheist didn't post the entire verse. It doesn't refer to Satan.

Jude 1:9 "Michael dared not accuse Satan"

By accusing Satan, I would be a Satan.. DUH

This is pure pretzel logic. The verse in Jude refers to judgement, aka REBUKE, not accusation.

I know you're confused because red pajamas
not my problem you preferred to get your info from Bug's Bunny instead of the source/book

Maybe Bugs Bunny is Arkangel Michael's bible teacher. That would explain his silly argument.

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