Here's an interesting and somewhat unintentionallly humorous post on the Atheist Revolution blog concerning trolls:
I'll respond to particular points concerning the actions of Atheist trolls on my blog and other websites. Let it remain a fact that there are lots of Atheist trolls posting banal responses against Christianity.
"Start by accepting that Christian trolls will require some sort of response."
Atheist trolls are trying to provoke a response, vs. discussing a point, just like the Christians they accuse.
"With sufficient time, every atheist blog will attract Christian trolls like moths to a flame. Some hope to convert you and your readers. Others come to cause trouble."
The same goes for Christian blogs, the difference being most Atheists come to cause trouble.
"Write a comment policy. Chances are, you'll end up modifying it a few times as you encounter more trolls. But you should put it together now and refer suspected trolls to it."
I have a comment policy as well but Atheist trolls ignore it and try to litter my blog with obscenities anyway. The only way to flush these people is to pre-approve every comment. Many have been booted simply because they hurled a bunch of f-bombs or dumped a truckload of tired old links to Atheist websites. I'm not here to promote the same old garbage from sites like evilbible dot com.
"Use moderation sparingly, selectively, and only when necessary."
Unfortunately Atheists make that a frequent need with their potty mouthed responses.
"Recognize the toxic effects a Christian troll can have, and don't let it get to that point."
Here's the difference: I want the readers to see how toxic militant Atheists are, so I welcome them to make as many stupid remarks as they like, as long as it's not obscenity-laden or loaded down with a bunch of silly links. Any fool can post a google bomb. I'm looking for points to discuss.
The issue is that most Atheists do not wish to discuss anything. They just show up to your blog to play "pigeon chess". Reasonable Atheists are somwhat rare or at least they don't post much.
By Atheists' definition a "troll" is anybody who disgrees with their secular dogma. I know this through experience. I've been banned from Atheist blogs for simply challenging their posts. Christians are allowed as long as they shut up and don't mention anything about their beliefs.
"If you want thoughtful people to comment on your posts, allowing Christian trolls to run wild on your blog probably isn't going to help matters."
I wish there were more thoughful Atheists posting on my blog.
'Nuff said.