Ok, so it's been a long time, and a lot of events have happened in my personal life, but I'm back and as feisty as ever.
Let's start with an argument I heard from the late pastor, philosopher and apologist R.C. Sproul:
Logic demands a Creator. I'll add that atheism is in fact logically indefensible if you stick to the rules of logic.
"What do you mean?" an Atheist might ask. "How can you prove a god exists without empirical evidence?"
The fact is, emprical evidence isn't necessary. I'll touch upon that argument in another post, but let it suffice to say that something can exist while leaving no trace of its existence. You can still logically defend the existence of God without a trace of physical evidence.
Let's discuss "being". To be, or exist, there are only 4 possibilities:
1. You are imaginary.
2. You are self-created
3. You are self-existent
4. You are an effect with a prior cause.
That list is easily pared down. Basically Number 4 is the best provable reason for all of our existence.
Now let's go back to the beginning of everything.
A long time ago, our Universe began as an infintely hot and dense spot, somewhere in the cosmos. We don't really know what that spot was made of or where it came from, but we do know that from nothing, nothing comes.
If Nothing were eternal, then we wouldn't have a chance for existence. Space, time and matter are created things which didn't exist for us before the Big Bang.
So let's look again at the 4 criteria of existence. Once again, the only proper explanation that properly accounts for the existence of our Universe is Number 4.
Right now, we have no way of knowing for certain where the Singularity came from or how it was made, but it was made. Everything we can perceive is an effect that had a prior cause. To be an effect there must be a cause. Causes, however, cannot recede into infinity. There must ultimately be a cause without a prior effect. Now we look to Number 3.
The First Cause, or what some call the Prime Mover, must be intelligent and powerful. After all, the creation of the cosmos, which is something that came from somewhere, would require a level of power we humans could barely imagine. God fits the bill here.
An imaginary being can't create anything. God can't create Himself, that's a contradiction. God can't be the Beginner of all Things if He is, in fact, an effect with a prior cause.
Therefore, God is self-existent, and having no beginning and no end, infinite and eternal. We call Him God because He has the ability create the Universe, which is our home.
I believe God exists. Physics and Logic demand His existence. Otherwise I wouldn't be here posting this blog.
Next: The Empirical Evidence Argument and why Atheists shouldn't rely on it.
'Nuff said.