Thursday, July 30, 2015

Careless Pseudo Scholarship Spreads On the Web

A user in a religion forum posted this:

The stpry (sic) of the woman taken in audultery is not MilitantJain > 2015-07-30 08:27
found in John until the 10th century. Google it.

Have Christians lied throughout history to promote their faith?

No. We haven't.

I took the opportunity to "google it" as the poster suggested and found the answer on good old WIKIPEDIA.

The story of the Adultress (known as a pericope) is found in its entirety in the Codex Fuldensis, dated positively to AD 546. That already makes the claim by the poster off by 4 centuries. The Codex Bezae also contains the pericope, and it's dated a bit earlier than Fuldensis.

There are possible references to it in the earliest Greek manuscripts. Also, one of the Greek Church Fathers, Didymus, mentioned the pericope as being found in copies of the Gospel dating to the early 4th Century.

Because of the care taken by copyists and the number of existing manuscripts that still survive, it stands as a testimony that Christians have tried to preserve the Bible and present it as completely as possible.

Atheists need to check their own sources first, and examine them with the same critical eye that they use against believers. It's a fault that few of them seem to be able to overcome.

'Nuff said.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

"There Is No Proof".... another Atheist Meme

Village Atheists are famous for saying "There is no proof for the existence of God." They'll even go so far as to say "There is no evidence of the existence of any gods."

Both of these statements are Bare Assertion fallacies which Atheists feel no need to defend because they claim that non-belief is the "default position." The fact is, from a logical standpoint, a lack of evidence doesn't disprove anything.

In the meantime, while believers are honest enough to admit they don't have absolute proof of God's existence beyond their own experience, there is a growing amount of evidence that shows biblical events are also historical. Since the Bible is the Christian's source book of knowledge about the faith, verifying its events lends more credibility about its understanding of God.

This year, a documentary was released, titled "Patterns Of Evidence" The Exodus." The film was 10 years in the making and challenges the 60 year old consensus that archaeology proves the Exodus didn't happen. By looking at the same archaeology, plus newer discoveries, a different conclusion can be reached.

Once again, the claim of "no evidence" isn't always the end-all, and Atheists need to get over the notion that Christians are ignorant and cling onto a groundless faith. The more we discover and learn, the more we can be assured that our faith does have outside support.

'Nuff said.