Saturday, July 25, 2020

Extremism Is in The Eye Of The Beholder

An Atheist in a blog posted this:

And despite the cries of our opponents, most atheists really aren't very good at extremism. The religious are very good at extremism.

To the Atheist everything a Christian believes is extreme, and acting on that belief is considered extremism.

Atheist extremism is hardly mentioned, however, because it usually results in the creation of governments like the Soviet Union or the Peoples Republic of China.

If you want to see a good example of Atheist extremism, watch the current wave of ANTIFA riots in major US cities. Atheism is a core belief of Communists as they believe religion is a stumbling block to achieving their idea of Utopia.

So tell me, who is more dangerous: a group of nuns who won't offer to pay for birth control for their employees, or a mob of masked thugs destroying public and private property?

The fact is, Atheism metastaizes into radical movements like Antifa.

Think about it. 

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